It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? #SundaySalon #SundayPost


Linking to: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? at BookDate; Sunday Post @ Caffeinated Reviewer; and the Sunday Salon @ ReaderBuzz

I hope you have had a wonderful day however you celebrate, or even if you don’t. I enjoyed a picnic Christmas lunch at a local beach with family. The weather was beautiful, the water was warm, and the food was delicious!

And keeping with tradition, there was not a single book for me under the tree *sigh*

I’m not making any plans for this week between now and New Years, though I do expect I’ll be reading. 

Thanks for stopping by!

24 thoughts on “It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? #SundaySalon #SundayPost

  1. Enjoy your celebration! Even though I read constantly, I don’t want to find books under the tree. I like picking my own. Come see my week here. Happy holidays and happy reading!

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  2. Christmas Eve and the holidays were warm, too warm for the season, and a bit rainy. Like you, I don´t get any book presents, except I buy one myself. So, only one book was under the (not existing) tree *smile* Happy reading and all the best for 2023!


  3. That picnic looks fantastic! Everyone is always going on about a white Christmas but I would rather be warm.

    The last time one of our best friends helped us move, he swore he was never buying me another gift card for books because I had too many already. He stuck to his word! I bought one of my other best friends a book I knew she wanted for Christmas and she was so excited. She said her family refuses to buy her any even when she puts them on her wish list. I hope you’re able to get yourself at least one book. I got 3 and a travel journal. Everyone complained that my wish list was only books and tea but that’s what I wanted!

    Enjoy your week!

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  4. I didn’t get books either. There would be nothing worse than unwrapping a book you already own or have read or one you’re unlikely to enjoy and having to pretend you’re delighted. I’d much rather have gift vouchers to choose my own and then share my selection with the person who gave it to me.


  5. Merry Christmas! Though your photos of beaches and picnics seem so strange to me! We had high temperatures only in the 20’s F this weekend – brrr! Luckily, our celebrations were all indoors … though your outdoor celebration looks lovely.

    No books under the tree for you? My family showered me with books this year! My husband always gets me some, but both of my sons did also this year. I mentioned that I like Anne Tyler, and I got 4 of her novels!

    I hope you enjoy this quiet week between holidays (maybe some reading?) and have a Happy New Year!

    Book By Book

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  6. I gave my husband a healthy-sized, Barnes & Noble wish list, and he ignored it and bought me two big new novels by Cormac McCarthy — whom I don’t think I care much for (have only tried The Road, which I didn’t like) and am not sure I have the brain bandwidth to tackle right now. Boo hoo! I’m going to have to buy my own books. (To be fair, I gave my husband a book he had already read, so he was disappointed, too!)

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  7. What a fun way to celebrate Christmas. We got our first snowfall of the year the day before Christmas and over night. Fortunately, it was not enough to keep my family home and we had a wonderful dinner.

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  8. Other than not getting books for Christmas it sounds like a lovely day! I didn’t get any books under the tree but I’ve made up for it in my after Christmas shopping! I hope you have a wonderful week!

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