Nonfiction November 2020 Week #4: Wrap-Up

Hosted by Katie @ Doing Dewey Decimal

November has passed too quickly! I barely made it halfway through the list of nonfiction books I hoped to read. Here are the books I did get to… (click on the cover to read my review)

I have enjoyed another year of participation in Nonfiction November, I’ve again found some new bloggers to follow, and I have, of course, added a slew of new books that piqued my interest to my WTR list.

(The cover links to the blogger’s post)


Thank you to our hosts, Katie of Doing Dewey Decimal, Julie of JulzReads, Rennie of What’s NonFiction, and Leeann of Shelf Aware. I’m looking forward to next year again already!

If you’ve enjoyed Nonfiction November you might be interested in joining the 2021 Nonfiction Reader Challenge. You can learn more, or sign up, now by clicking HERE.

17 thoughts on “Nonfiction November 2020 Week #4: Wrap-Up

  1. From the books you read this month, Searching for Charlotte sounds good.
    From your choices for your TBR, Get Well Soon and Underground are ones I would like to try.
    And I will come by the 2021 Nonfiction Reader Challenge soon to check it out.

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  2. I also added Get Well Soon and have seen it on a lot of these lists! I wonder if we’re all more interested because of Covid transforming our year. I missed Underground, but that sounds fascinating as well. Thanks for joining us this month!

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  3. I’ve been wanting to read Rabid. I hope you enjoyed it. I loved Anthropologist on Mars, though I’ve heard from medical professionals that his stories are idealized and not an absolutely true representation of what his patients were like. Regardless, it was educational.

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  4. I do want to participate in Non-Fiction November next year, I had my TBR all planned out for November when i heard about it. I have only read 8 non-ficiton books this year which is less than the 12 I had planned to read. I hope to do better next year.

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