It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? #SundaySalon #SundayPost


Linking to: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? at BookDate; Sunday Post @ Caffeinated Reviewer; and the Sunday Salon @ ReaderBuzz





Please excuse my absence.. a mix of illness (I’ll spare you the details), writers block and doomscrolling as Covid cases in my state continue to rise, are to blame.

I’m planning to get a grip this week.





What I’ve Read Since I last Posted…


The Deep by Kyle Perry

The Garden of Hopes & Dreams by Barbara Hannay

Billy Summers by Stephen King

CSI Told You Lies by Meshel Laurie

Trouble is My Business by Lisa Walker

Once There Were Wolves by Charlotte McConaghy




New Posts…


Bookish Bounty

Review: The Deep by Kyle Perry

Review: The Garden of Hopes & Dreams by Barbara Hannay

Review: Billy Summers by Stephen King

Review: CSI Told You Lies by Meshel Laurie

Review: Trouble is My Business by Lisa Walker




What I’m Reading This Week…


What the past comes to get you…

Robyn Ayres works as the camp caretaker on Finch Island, a former leper colony off the coast of Queensland. Her current clients are a group of ex-military men who run a tough-love program for troubled teens.

The latest crop looks like the usual mix of bad boys and sad boys. Then Robyn takes a second look at a kid called Darren. Last time she saw him his name was Aaron, and Robyn was his primary school teacher. And she was somehow at the centre of a vicious small-town custody battle involving his terrifying grandmother.

Bruising classroom dynamics, manipulative parents and carers and horrendous small-town politics form the backdrop to a nail-biting thriller in which the tensions of ten years ago start to play themselves out, building to a violent climax in the present day.

Robyn escaped the past once. Now it’s back—and this time there’s no way out.



A scintillating crime thriller, set in the South Australian outback town of Cutters End. A mysterious death on New Year’s Eve 1989 leads to a shocking murder investigation 32 years later…

A desert highway. A remote town. A murder that won’t stay hidden.

New Year’s Eve, 1989. Eighteen-year-old Ingrid Mathers is hitchhiking her way to Alice Springs. Bored, hungover and separated from her friend Joanne, she accepts a lift to the remote town of Cutters End.

July 2021. Detective Sergeant Mark Ariti is seconded to a recently reopened case, one in which he has a personal connection. Three decades ago, a burnt and broken body was discovered in scrub off the Stuart Highway, 300km south of Cutters End. Though ultimately ruled an accidental death, many people – including a high-profile celebrity – are convinced it was murder.

When Mark’s interviews with the witnesses in the old case files go nowhere, he has no choice but to make the long journey up the highway to Cutters End.

And with the help of local Senior Constable Jagdeep Kaur, he soon learns that this death isn’t the only unsolved case that hangs over the town…



Growing older doesn’t necessarily mean growing wiser.

Gin in one hand, paintbrush in the other, Franny Calderwood has turned her back on the world, or at least the world she used to love. Having lost her husband, Frank, in tragic circumstances three years earlier, 65-year-old Franny copes the only way she knows how: by removing herself completely from the life she had before. Franny lives a life of decadent seclusion, with only her two dogs, Whisky and Soda, a stuffed cat, cocktails and the memory of Frank for company.

Then the Salernos move in next door. The troubled but charming trio – beleaguered mother Sallyanne, angry teenager Dee and eccentric eight-year-old Josh – cannot help but pull Franny into the drama of their lives. But despite her fixation with independence, Franny’s wisecracks and culinary experiments hide considerable trauma and pain, and when her eccentric behaviour has life-threatening consequences she faces a reckoning of sorts. Yes, Frank is dead, but did the woman he loved have to perish with him?

A story about one woman, two dogs and the family next door, Happy Hour is a hilarious and uplifting insight into grief, loss, true love and friendship.



Three housemates.

One dead, one missing and one accused of murder.

Dubbed the Housemate Homicide, it’s a mystery that has baffled Australians for almost a decade.

Melbourne-based journalist Olive Groves worked on the story as a junior reporter and became obsessed by the case. Now, nine years later, the missing housemate turns up dead on a remote property. Oli is once again assigned to the story, this time reluctantly paired with precocious millennial podcaster Cooper Ng.

As Oli and Cooper unearth new facts about the three housemates, a dark web of secrets is uncovered. The revelations catapult Oli back to the death of the first housemate, forcing her to confront past traumas and insecurities that have risen to the surface again.

What really happened between the three housemates that night? Will Oli’s relentless search for the murderer put her new family in danger? And could her suspicion that the truth lies closer to home threaten her happiness and even her sanity?


Thanks for stopping by!

It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? #IMWAYR @thebookdate #SundayPost @Kimbacaffeinate #SundaySalon @debnance I’m reading #TheAttack #CuttersEnd #HappyHour #TheHousemate

21 thoughts on “It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? #SundaySalon #SundayPost

  1. Doomscrolling! I spend way too much time doing that also. It’s like I want to know but don’t want to know at the same time…

    Your books look good, you always seem to have interesting looking thrillers.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I totally understand feeling like posting is too much these days. There is a lot going on and I’ve been reading about numbers in your area increasing. Stay safe! With school starting here, numbers are on the rise, but they aren’t out of control (yet).

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Ha – doomscrolling. I get it! Been doing it too, and now trying to stop being so attentive to all the bad news. NSW not so good eh! Delta is sneaky. I made myself a list of things to do and stay away from. I did have to go to the supermarket today, that was freaky and I made a wrong move and the operator growled at me. I was taken aback but well she was British!!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I hope you are feeling better now! I love the look of Happy Hour, and I’m adding it to my list.

    Enjoy your week, and I am loving my new space which I hope to fill with more favorites.

    Thanks for visiting my blog.


  5. Nice looking assortment of books though all seem a little to scary for me. I’m avoiding reality these days by immersing myself in books and baseball. Come see my week here. Happy reading!


  6. I’m sorry you have been sick, and I understand (wish I didn’t!) the doomscrolling. I’m vowing to set that aside this week and focus on life.

    Happy Hour looks like a great read. I’m eager to hear more.

    Hope you can get your blogging mojo back soon.


  7. I hope you get some reprieve this week. Also remember that it’s okay to not be okay, but if you’re able to pull yourself out of it that’s amazing. ❤


I want to know what you think! Your comments are appreciated.