Six Degrees of Separation

Hosted by Kate at Books Are My favourite and Best,

the Six Degrees of Separation meme

asks you to start at the same place as other readers, add six books, and see where you end up!

Click here for the rules!


This month begins with The Dry, the debut novel from Australian author, Jane Harper. One of its many strengths (you can read my review here), is it’s setting in a small and struggling drought affected country town in Victoria.

That, among other similarities, leads us to another Australian crime fiction novel, Scrublands  by Chris Hammer (you can read my review here). Set in New South Wales, drought-stricken Riversend is the scene of a shocking mass murder.

It’s no surprise that the film rights to both The Dry, and Scrublands, were snapped up by the local film industry. Currently in post production is I am Woman, a movie based on Australian Helen Reddy’s autobiography, The Woman I Am. With her song “I Am Woman,” Reddy provided the feminist anthem of the 1970’s.

Daisy Jones and the Six by Taylor Jenkins Reid is a novel about a young woman’s music career set during the same period in which Helen Reddy found fame. Reid relates Daisy’s journey in an epistolary format, through interview transcripts mimicking a music documentary.

Which brings us to the YA sci-fi novel, Illuminae by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff told through a combination of schematics, logs, emails and file documents. Set in the year 2575, Illuminae begins when Kady is forced to evacuate her planet after war breaks out between two mega corporations.

Next I’ve chosen Anthony Doerr’s Pulitzer Prize winning novel, All the Light We Cannot See, where a father and his young blind daughter, are forced to flee their home in Paris when the the Nazi’s invade during World War 2. I really need to read this before Netflix releases its tv series adaption.

Finally, the chain ends with another book on my TBR pile, The Rules of Seeing by Joe Heap. This novel features two vision impaired characters, Nova has been blind since birth, while Kate’s vision was affected by an accident. Both women face challenges as they negotiate their change in circumstances.

I’m looking forward to seeing how your chain unfolded!















22 thoughts on “Six Degrees of Separation

  1. Interesting chain – quite a few different genres you got in there. I was a bit disappointed with ‘All the light we cannot see’, but I am definitely in the minority there.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Then you choose a book that somehow connects to it, Scrublands for example shares a similar setting, but you could choose a book that shares the author’s initials, or a characters name , or anything really,. If you visit the latest post at Kate’s blog you can see how other people developed their chain, they leave a link in the comments. Each month Kate choose a new book with which to start the chain.


  2. What a chain of interesting books! They are a mixture of books on my TBR pile, and ones I haven’t come across yet. Did you enjoy Scrublands? I liked the idea of The Rules of Seeing which you finish with.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I enjoyed your chain SHelleyrae, though I’ve only read All the light we cannot see. A great book. I’d happily watch a TV series. I’d be interested to read Scrublands, sometime.

    Oh, and I love the cover of Illuminae, which I’ve see though my AWW Challenge role.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. What fun! I like the direction you took your chain. Illuminae and All the Light We Cannot See are both still on my TBR pile. One of these days!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. ‘All the Light we Cannot See’ was pretty great. I have a friend who is legally blind so I’ve had quite a few conversations surrounding that book. Also, good to see You got a Taylor Jenkins Reid book on your shelf. I was just at Barnes and Noble and saw that Reid is a noteable author there. Leading back to that earlier talk I had with you about posting on your blog, I found that if I logout from my google acct on your site -comments and then log back in I’m able to leave a comment.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I actually had no idea this meme excited! It looks like a lot of fun, love your choices! I actually didn’t know All the Light We Cannot See was getting adapted, thanks for letting me know!

    Liked by 1 person

I want to know what you think! Your comments are appreciated.