It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?



The It’s Monday! What Are You Reading meme is now hosted at Book Date


I had a busy weekend, aside from the usual mundane activities such as grocery shopping, cooking, washing and cleaning, basketball season has begun and I’m back to coaching, and my parents and younger brother (whom I only see once a year or so because he lives in the Northern Territory) came for a visit. We went ten pin bowling,  in the photo below you can see my four kids on the left, my parents in front on the right, and behind them my brother and my oldest daughter’s (6ft4!) boyfriend.



What I Read Last Week

 Summer Skin by Kirsty Eagar

The Big Rewind by Libby Cudmore

All That is Lost Between Us by Sara Foster

This Was Not the Plan by Cristina Alger

Honky Tonk Samurai by Joe R Lansdale

New Posts

Review: Summer Skin by Kirsty Eagar ★★★★1/2

Review: How To be Single by Liz Trucillo ★★

Review: The Big Rewind by Libby Cudmore ★★★

Win 1 of 10 double passes to see Brooklyn in Aussie cinemas

Blog Tour Review: All That is Lost Between Us by Sara Foster ★★★★1/2

Stuff On Sundays: 2016 Eclectic Reader Recommendations Part 1


What I Am Reading Today

Carly Townsend is starting over after a decade of tragedy and pain. In a new town and a new apartment she’s determined to leave the memories and failures of her past behind.  However that dream is shattered in the dead of night when she is woken by the shadow of a man next to her bed, silently watching her. And it happens week after week. Yet there is no way an intruder could have entered the apartment. It’s on the fourth floor, the doors are locked and there is no evidence that anyone has been inside. With the police doubting her story, and her psychologist suggesting it’s all just a dream, Carly is on her own. And being alone isn’t so appealing when you’re scared to go to sleep . . .

 What I Plan To Read This Week

(click the covers to view at Goodreads)

Welcome to Quinn, Montana, population: 956. A town where nearly all of the volunteer firemen are named Jim, where The Dirty Shame—the only bar in town—refuses to serve mixed drinks (too much work), where the locals hate the newcomers (then again, they hate the locals, too), and where the town softball team has never even come close to having a winning season. Until now. Rachel Flood has snuck back into town after leaving behind a trail of chaos nine years prior. She’s here to make amends, but nobody wants to hear it, especially her mother, Laverna. But with the help of a local boy named Jake and a little soul-searching, she just might make things right.

So far, twenty-three thousand and ninety six people have seen me online. They include my mother, my father, my little sister, my grandmother, my other grandmother, my grandfather, my boss, my sixth year Biology teacher and my boyfriend James. When Leah Oliphant-Brotheridge and her adopted sister Su go on holiday together to Magaluf to celebrate their A-levels, only Leah returns home. Her successful, swotty sister remains abroad, humiliated and afraid: there is an online video of her, drunkenly performing a sex act in a nightclub. And everyone has seen it. Ruth Oliphant-Brotheridge, mother of the girls, successful court judge, is furious. How could this have happened? How can she bring justice to these men who took advantage of her dutiful, virginal daughter? What role has Leah played in all this? And can Ruth find Su and bring her back home when Su doesn’t want to be found?

The best things in life . . . can be just around the corner. Rachel and Becca aren’t real sisters, or so they say. They are step-sisters, living far apart, with little in common. Rachel is the successful one: happily married with three children and a big house, plus an impressive career. Artistic Becca, meanwhile, lurches from one dead-end job to another, shares a titchy flat and has given up on love. The two of them have lost touch but when Rachel doesn’t come home one night, Becca is called in to help. Once there, she quickly realises that her step-sister’s life is not so perfect after all: Rachel’s handsome husband has moved out, her children are rebelling, and her glamorous career has taken a nosedive. Worst of all, nobody seems to have a clue where she might be. As Becca begins to untangle Rachel’s secrets, she is forced to confront some uncomfortable truths about her own life, and the future seems uncertain. But sometimes happiness can be found in the most unexpected places…

Psychologist sleuth Alex Delaware is surprised to get the call when well-known TV actress Zelda Chase turns up half-naked, half-mad in the LA’s rural Westside. He has little connection to the starlet, save a psychiatric evaluation he performed on her adopted son several years ago, a child who has since vanished without a trace and whom Zelda refuses to talk about. When the actress turns up dead a few weeks later without a scratch on her, Delaware calls in police lieutenant Milo Sturgis to help him crack the case—or at least the wall of silence surrounding it. When the body of a second actress turns up with the same mysterious cause of death, Delaware and Sturgis start to wonder—is this a copycat case or a coincidence? When they uncover the death of another actress, a star from another era who vanished decades ago, never to be found, they realize they’re facing one of their most baffling, mind-bending cases yet.




Thanks for stopping by!

18 thoughts on “It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?

  1. Is that a new Kellerman Shelleyrae? I seem to have missed seeing it for request if it is. I also missed Darkest Place but think it’s RH so must check NetGalley… though vowed I wouldn’t open it for ages as my TBR pile is already a bit scary!

    Love the family pic and hope you had a great time.


  2. How to be Single has been on my tbr list for a little while…but maybe I won’t take the time out to read it now. The Flood Girls looks really good. I hope you enjoy your reading this week!

    My It’s Monday! Post


  3. Love the picture! Thanks for sharing it. Yes, those tall guys – I’m married to one – 6’3 and my son-in-law is 6’6. And he has a younger brother that is 6’11. That’s almost too tall to live in a regular house. And he does not play basketball. What a waste! LOL


  4. Ooh, Darkest Place sounds ultra-creepy! I would have to be in the mood. The Flood Girls sounds very cute though. Kellerman is an author I used to auto-buy until last few years. Maybe I’ll check out his newest one. Thanks and enjoy your week.


  5. I like how you mention a bit about your life in this post among books. My brother and dad are big time bowlers. My brother has a downstairs room with just bowling balls and equipment. Makes my yarn stash look small. Have a great reading week.


  6. That Viral book looks like a crazy good thriller!

    I’m nearly done with Ship of Magic by Robin Hobb, and then i have a scifi anthology and a fantasy anthology that i need to dip my toes into. That’s what i like about anthologies – I can make a tiny time commitment whenever.


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