Review: A Trifle Dead by Livia Day

Title: A Trifle Dead {Cafe La Femme #1}

Author: Livia Day

Published:Deadlines: Twelfth Planet Press March 2013

Status: Read from September 19 to 21, 2013 — I own a copy {Courtesy the publisher}

My Thoughts:

I had no idea that Livia Day is the alter ego of Tansy Rayner Roberts who is an award winning Australian fantasy author, this year receiving The Hugo Award for Best Fan Writer. A Trifle Dead is her first delightful Australian cosy mystery and I am hoping it won’t be her last.

Set in Tasmania, A Trifle Dead introduces twenty something cafe owner Tabitha Darling. Café La Femme attracts a wide clientele from urban hipsters to the entire local police force determined to keep an eye on the late police superintendent’s daughter. When a body is found hanging from netting in one of the upstairs flats, the police are convinced it was an accidental death, linking the man to a number of recent bizarre crimes around town. Tabitha isn’t so sure though and with the assistance of blogger Stewart McTavish, much to the chagrin of Detective Leo Bishop, finds herself right in the middle of a sticky situation.

Tabitha is feisty, stubborn and funny with an obsession with food and vintage clothing. She has a complicated relationship with just about everyone in her life from her head baker Nin, to her best friend, Xanthippe and the long term object of her affection, the handsome yet taciturn detective Bishop, which leads to great banter, loaded with snark and sparks. The sense of community established by the author is appealing and I really enjoyed being introduced to the slightly weird yet wonderful characters that are connected to Tabitha, such as her cross dressing roommate and her enigmatic landlord.

The mystery twists nicely and though I made the connections early on, I didn’t really mind at all. The plot generates plenty of tension as the villain moves in on Tabitha and the pace is comfortable. A Trifle Dead is well written and though I wasn’t keen on McTavish’s accented dialogue (he is Scottish), it was only a minor distraction.

A Trifle Dead is a light, funny and enjoyable read blending mystery, humour and a touch of romance. Oh and there are delicious recipes on the final few pages, ideal for an aspiring foodie or any reader with a sweet tooth. I am looking forward to the next installment.

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