Musing Monday Jan 3rd

This is the first time I have joined the Musing Monday Meme hosted by ShouldBeReading , I always enjoy reading the answers and I figured I might have a go.

This week’s musing is a simple one to start off the new year…

How many books did you read in 2010? If you had a reading goal, did you meet it?

What books are you most looking forward to reading for 2011 (either new, OR ones that have sat on your shelves for a while)?

The total number of books I read was 316 (96903 pages) according to my Goodreads stats. I didn’t have a reading goal set but I think it was a bit more than last year.

In 2011 I am looking forward to the release of Kim Harrisons Pale Demon , River Marked by Patricia Briggs, Magic Slays by Ilona Andrews, Treachery in Death by Nora Roberts,

Mystery by Johnathon Kellerman, A Red Herring without Mustard by Alan Bradley, The Peach Keeper by Sarah Addison Allen and probably a dozen others LOl. I also have at least a few dozen that I have on my (virtual and real) shelves that I really want to read soon including Love is Mix Tape by Rob Sheffield, The Help by Katherine Stockett, The Girl with the Dragon Tatoo by Steig Larrson, Crank by Ellen Hopkins, Girl in Translation by Jean Kwok and I hope to finish a bunch of series in 2011 that I started in 2010.

No pressure or anything LOL

What about you?


6 thoughts on “Musing Monday Jan 3rd

  1. Oh wow! Over 300 books in one year is so many! I managed about 170 which is quite a few anyway. 🙂

    I think The Help is a great book, so go for it! I’m not really looking forward to any new releases because I don’t really know what’s going to be released. I am looking forward to reducing me unread books shelf and reading more books from my wishlist. I didn’t get many books read from my wishlist last year, and it only got bigger!

    Have a good reading year!


  2. You are a very fast reader, however, I am a slow reader. To read over 300 books in a year is almost a book a day, never gonna happen for me. If I get one a week read I’m happy. Like I said I’m a slow reader, plus I do a lot of other reading besides books.


I want to know what you think! Your comments are appreciated.