Review: Tricks of the Trade {Paranormal Scene Investigations #3} by Laura Anne Gilman

Title: Tricks of the Trade {Paranormal Scene Investigations # 3}

Author: Laura Anne Gilman

Published: Luna November 2011

Synopsis: The name’s Torres, Bonnie Torres, and I’m a paranormal scene investigator—rooting out the truth about crimes of magic. It’s dangerous and boring and scary and fascinating. Though not everyone in the Cosa Nostradamus is happy we’re around, which can make things…tricky. Working two cases—looking into a murder for the NYPD, and a rich man’s break-in—should be well within our abilities. But when things start getting weird in the Electric Apple, Private Unaffiliated Paranormal Investigations is stretched to the limits, trying to keep one step ahead and out of trouble. Add in rumors of a powerful creature gunning for us and it’s not just our rep on the line this time—if we don’t solve this case,
everyone will suffer.  Fortunately, around here, when the going gets weird, the weird hire us.

Status: Read from November 09 to 13, 2011 — I own a copy{Courtesy Harlequin/NetGalley}

My Thoughts:

The third installment of the Paranormal Scene Investigations series, Tricks of The Trade, picks up a few months after Pack of Lies ends. The PUPI’s have two new cases to work  – a dead fatae found floating in the river and a break-in on millionaire row. Neither case is quite what it seems and the PUPI’s, under the guidance of the Big Dogs Ben and Ian, have a hard time getting to the truth of both crimes. To further complicate matters The Roblin, a mischief demon, takes an interest in the group, and Bonnie and Ben’s connection in particular.
While the cases are presented almost immediately it seemed to take a long time for anything much to happen though once the PUPI’s have a few clues to go on the pace picked up. The case involving the theft was especially intriguing with a great twist that gives this book a darker edge.
One of the things I particularly like about this series is the way the author naturally introduces and builds more detail regarding the world and the magic/current it uses. Part of this is accomplished by using an alternating narrative that is in the first person from Bonnie as well as the third person which allows us to observe and gain insight into the other characters and situations.
The appearance of The Roblin was an interesting way to force Bonnie and Ben to confront the issues the Merge have raised. Their relationship changes in this book which I has happy to see and I am looking forward to seeing how things progress in the next installment. I would have liked however for The Roblin to have made a little more mischief for the team than he did.
In the background Ian is still fighting for the team’s acceptance with the Cosa Nostradamus, Aden makes an brief appearance and Wren, a character from Gilman’s Retriever’s series makes a cameo appearance.
I enjoy the combination of action and mystery with a touch of snarky humour thrown in with this series. Once I was past the slow start I enjoyed Tricks of the Trade as much as the first and second titles, Hard Magic and Pack of Lies (click to see my reviews). While I suppose this book could be read as a stand alone I think the back story from the previous two books are important to the enjoyment of the novel. I still hope to be able to read Gilman’s Retrievers series which is set in the same world, though from a different perspective, soon.

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Paranormal Scene Investigations Series

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