Review: Fairy Tale by Stephen King


Title: Fairy Tale

Author: Stephen King

Published: 6th September 2022, Hodder & Staughton

Status: Read October 2022 courtesy Hachette Australia


My Thoughts:


“I’m sure I can tell this story. I’m also sure no one will believe it. That’s fine with me. Telling it will be enough. My problem—and I’m sure many writers have it, not just newbies like me—is deciding where to start.”

After seventeen year old Charlie Reade tentatively investigates the frantic barking coming from what has locally been dubbed the ‘Psycho House’, Charlie discovers its injured, reclusive resident, Howard Bowditch, his ageing dog Radar, and an otherworldly realm in need of a saviour.

There’s no denying Fairy Tale is slow to start, had this been written by any other author I would likely have have given up on it, but I trusted that the investment would be worth it.

I was charmed by the main characters, Charlie and Howard, and Radar, a German Shepherd and Bowditch’s faithful companion, who steals Charlie’s heart. King’s character development is on point as always and the relationship between the eager teen, eccentric old man, and loyal dog is heartwarming.

It’s Charlie and Radar who enter King’s otherworld, a kingdom named Empis, for reasons best left for you to discover. Their journey becomes one of adventure, magic, horror, and heroics, told with suspense and excitement. Readers will recognise elements of, or references to, familiar fairy tales and fantasy classics, from Brothers Grimm ‘Goose Girl’, to Ray Bradbury’s ‘Something Wicked This Way Comes’ during their journey. Of course King has combined them in creative ways and added his own, often dark, twist.

As with all of King’s stories, Fairy Tale is also speckled with pop culture references, oblique commentary on current social woes, puerile humour, and ‘easter egg’ references to his other works.

I enjoyed Fairy Tale, it’s escapism that champions kindness, care, courage, and hope, all sorely needed in today’s world, but it if I’m honest I was underwhelmed. It just wasn’t as captivating as I hoped


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Review: Billy Summers by Stephen King


Title: Billy Summers

Author: Stephen King

Published: 3rd August 2021, Hodder & Staughton

Status: Read August 2021 courtesy Hachette




My Thoughts:


“He’s thinking of all the movies he’s seen about robbers who are planning one last job. If noir is a genre, then ‘one last job’ is a sub-genre. In those movies, the last job always goes bad.”

Billy Summers is a killer read from Stephen King, a crime thriller featuring a surprisingly likeable assassin.


(More to come…)


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