About Me

Linktree: https://linktr.ee/shelleyrae_bookdout

I know this bio is woefully out of date..it’s on my To Do List!

So, I read a lot. I have always loved to read. So far for 2010 I have 233 books in 239 days according to my Goodreads stats – thats 76951 pages, . It hardly seems like enough to me and I still have so many I’m desperate to read. I love my local library – it’s small but the books are free and the librarians are great at sourcing books for me from the bigger city library’s. In all the places I have lived the librarians quickly learnt my name because I visited so often but I’ve not always been able to find what I want. I’ve never had the budget to feed my book habit – book prices in Australia are extortionate – and in the country town I now live in there are no second hand booksellers within a 2 hour drive. Book Depository bought a glimmer of hope – a great selection of reasonably priced books with free shipping but since I am the only reader in the family, and I read a book a day basically, I can rarely justify spending the money on new books. Now I have my iPod  (a generous birthday gift from my grandfather) and I can find ebooks at a reasonable price (and hubby doesn’t always need to know). Its loaded with every book app I can find – Kindle App, Borders, Kobo, iBook etc. I have the BookCollectorz app for keeping my collection organised, and the Goodreads App to update my bookshelf and check in with my groups. It’s the best gift I have ever gotten and now instead of a paperback, I am most likely wandering around with my iPod/kindle/iPad in hand engrossed in my latest read.

For a book addict Goodreads is fabulous, finally I have found people who share my obsession and totally understand just why I stayed up til 4am finishing a book even knowing I had to be up in 2 hours to get the kids off to school. I use Goodreads to track my reading wish list, share my opinions, take challenges, read reviews and find new books to read. I’ve won a couple of books through their Book Giveaway program and even had a chance to chat with some of my favourite authors. If you love books you will love Goodreads. You can see my Goodreads profile http://www.goodreads.com/shelleyrae -send me a friend request.

I also like FictFact, if you are a series reader then FictFact makes it easier to keep track of them and even alerts you to new releases. I’m still working on getting up to date over there but its a convenient way to stay on top of your favourite series.

I have just recently joined NetGalley, which was the prompt to create this blog for sharing the books I read. NetGalley  is a service for people who read and recommend books. Publishers upload their galleys, plus any marketing and promotional information; then invite contacts to view their title on NetGalley. Readers can the find new titles through NetGalley’s Public Catalog, and request to review those titles from the publisher. Anyone who reads and recommend books can use NetGalley for free  so if this is something that interest’s you make sure you take a look.

So starting today I’ll be adding reviews of the books I read – don’t expect erudite literary critique, I tend to just write about what I did or didn’t like about a book. I try very hard to avoid spoilers and I am not interested in denigrating anyone, no book bashing allowed. Books reviewed for NetGalley will be categorised as such, you can assume that any thing else I read because I chose to. I don’t expect that I’ll be having guest authors, giveaways or other publishers offering me books to review anytime soon but you never know. I’ll also be posting other book/reading related bits and pieces I come across that I find interesting.

To keep up to date subscribe to the blog by email using the button at right or add it to your RSS feed. Feel free to just say hi or leave your own comments or thoughts, comments will be moderated to avoid Spammers etc. Thanks for visiting..come back soon :)

69 thoughts on “About Me

  1. Hello, Shelleyrae,
    I am the author of Billie Girl, and my publisher just forwarded your review to me. This is my first book (I’m 58 years old) – and I can’t express to you how grateful I am that you understood the book. Your review was thoughtful and honest, and I appreciate the time you took not only to read my book, but to post about it.
    Thank you very much,
    Vickie Weaver


  2. Hello, Shelleyrae ——- just dropped in to visit your site. Very nice. I especially took to heart your inability to readily get the books you crave when living out in the countryside. Again, a grateful thanks for taking me on for review.

    regards, cjc


  3. Hi Shelleyrae- Goodness me what a dream website for a fomer avid reader – if only I could find more time to read – now I can do it vicariously through your blog when I don’t get a chance to read myself – marvellous!! I’ll look forward to further reviews. Cousin Hels


  4. Hi, my name is Finda Ayu. I’m a college student of Limkokwing University, Malaysia. I’m now making an essay about chick lit book cover design. What is preferred by female readers and also how powerful a book cover is. It would be nice if I can hear your opinion too by filling up my questionnaire. If you’re interested, please send me an email at finda.ayu.w@gmail.com so I can send my questionnaire. Thank you so much!


  5. Hi,

    I have a Science Fiction coming about around Jan 1rst of next year and wondered if you had a slot open for a review during that month. This is an ARC trade copy with 26 interior illustrations, published by Engage Books of Vancouver.

    Most kind regards,

    Chris Stevenson


  6. Thanks for the follow Shellyrae. It sounds like we are in much the same boat. I live 20kms from the nearest library which is small community library shared with the school. They are pretty good with interlibrary loans though and being in SA I can access books from all over the state.


  7. Hi Shellyrae. Nice to meet you. Where do you live? I’m near Kiama in NSW ( up a bush track). I’ve just subscribed to your blog. (We need morer Aussies in the blogosphere)

    If you want you can have a preview peek at ch 1 of my YA fantasy novel, ‘Lethal Inheritance’ on http://tahlianewland.com

    I hope you can take the time to read it and if you like it, mention it to your readers as an upcoming book . Let me know if you post anything on it and I’ll let my readers know. I’ll certainly let you know when I’ve found a publisher.


  8. Hi there,

    It’s so great to see other aussie book bloggers. I live in South Sydney and am fairly new to the book blogging scene and would love for you to stop by my site at http://www.australianbookshelf.wordpress.com
    I have also recently set up a writing site at http://sydneyhealthwriter.com with tips and resources for freelance writers.

    I have added you to my RSS feed and look forward to getting updates of your blog soon!



  9. Hello Shellyrae

    I started my book blog and goodreads membership for the same reason … to track the books I read. I also joined NetGalley and I got an eReader because my book habit was forever growing. Now I have two teenaged daughters that read as much as I do!

    I liked the graphic at the top of your page. Made me think of the old ‘if you were stranded on a deserted island, what would you bring’ question. LoL

    I am looking forward to your reviews.

    Dorothy – Squeak
    Squeak(dot)ak(at)gmail(dot) com
    For Books – http://alaskanbookie.blogspot.com/
    Twitter –>> @akchocoholic


  10. I really like your ‘about’ section – informative and fun. I’m glad you’ve got a way to get more books now. And you’re right, your husband doesn’t always need to know! 🙂


  11. Hi Shelleyrae, I really like the look of your blog. Wow, almost a book a day? That’s incredible, and with children as well, you must read awfully fast. I thought I was doing well with 110 books this year 🙂 Just as a matter of interest, I also blog with WordPress and I would really like to know how to get the pretty pictures up down the side of the blog reel. I can’t seem to figure out how to do it, are you able to help a hopelessly computer illiterate literate?


  12. Thanks so much for troubling to comment on the Parrish Lantern Review of The Ghost of Neil Diamond. I´d love to send you a free copy. Not necessarily to review, because I´m sure you’re overwhelmed, and I wouldn´t bother you again about the book except to check that it had arrived. No strings at all, I swear. Do email me a postal address if you’d like a copy. Thanks again for noticing. Yours, David Milnes http://www.whattradition.com


  13. Hi, I love your site! I always thought of myself as someone who might read a little too much, but you clearly blow me out of the water. It’s nice to always have a new book to hear about almost daily on your site. I’m a huge advocate for savvy book shopping and I was heartbroken to hear how tough it is to find small book shops and book sales where you live, I wouldn’t know what to do without all of my Atlanta book sale options! Just wanted to stop in and say I loved your site, keep up the good work 🙂


  14. Been meaning to ask you this. How do you do it? How do you juggle a book a day and what do you do with the books you read? Or do you just read eBooks? TC Boyle usually takes me more than a day and a half to read as his books are hardly thin.


    1. I read reasonably fast – about a hundred pages an hour – and I don’t sleep much. I read both print and ebooks – it doesn’t matter much to me which – they are the same book just different formats 🙂


  15. Hello. I came across your blog a few weeks ago and it actually inspired me to start a book blog of my own. Just wanted to pop in to tell you that and to thank you for the blog reviews that you have posteed. I’ve enjoyed reading them : )


  16. Hello Shelleyrae, thank you for your review. I really appreciate it and also your thoughtful take on Walking on Trampolines. Like you, I am a reader and appreciate that my book was the one you chose this time around! Best, Frances Whiting


  17. I share your passion but I envy your ability to read a book a day. Found you over on Booklover Book Reviews. I saw that you’re the first to sign up for the 2014 Aussie Author Challenge. I own 5 books I’d like to read for it but wondering if Bryce Courtney’s trilogy The Potato Factory will count as 2 male authors? If not have you got any suggestions of other male Australian authors? Thanks for your help.


  18. It’s so unfortunate that books are so costly outside of the US-all the more reason for used bookstore to open. I live in a community with a disproportionate number of bookstores per person, if that’s even possible! Our community hosts “Festival of the Book” each March. I’ll look for you on Goodreads! http://www.vabook.org


  19. Hi Shelleyrae,
    Love your Blog and seeing your review of books.
    You have introduced me to a lot of books and new authors that I would like to read>.
    I love to read but can’t read as much as I used to with 4 Kids . You are amazing how you manage to do it.
    Keep up the goodo work


  20. Hi Shelleyrae, because of you I decided to register to Goodreads.com. I remember I created one before but I do not see the point of using it (yes, sorry) but you just enlightened me and because of that I thank you.


  21. Hi, I am really enjoying following your blog. I just thought you might be interested in the topic of multitouch ibooks. If so check out the book trailer for The Sword of Air now available from the ibooks store. I hope to see you at my site http://www.swordofair.net very soon. Take care and Happy blogging. Rae.


  22. Hi Shelleyrae. I get the feeling you’re a serious bookworm no half measures on this blog! Lovely to find you today via Jade @ Scatterbooker’s post One Lovely Blog award.


  23. I was interested to read that books are expensive in Australia. why is this the case? I am blind so tend to use the text to speech facility on my Kindle for most of my reading although I also read braille. Would you be interested in reviewing one or more of my stories? ind regards, Kevin


  24. So great to see a blog dedicated to Aussie writers 🙂 I am also an Aussie author and my historical erotic romances are all set in North Queensland. Other than writing I am a mother of our combined family of 9 kids, a cat, 2 chickens, 2 ducks and a goose named Wednesday 🙂


  25. Hi! I’ve joined your 2021 Nonfiction Reader Challenge and have just uploaded my first review on the blog I created for this. But I cannot figure out how to share my review. Your page says: “Share your review with other challenge participants by posting your name/blog name and title of the book with a direct link to your review in the Linky, below.” But when I click the “Linky,” my blog is not there and when I try to add it, it lets me know that that website is already used. My website link is in the area for participants, but how do I share my review? Thank you!


    1. Hi Lisa.
      Thanks for joining the challenge- hopefully this will explain…
      Go to the 2021 Nonfiction Reader Challenge page. https://bookdout.wordpress.com/2021-nonfiction-reader-challenge/
      Scroll down to the text in green that says Enter your review link below and then click on the text below it that’s says “Click here to enter your link and view this Linky Tools List”
      On the page that opens, click where it says “You are next…Click here to enter”
      Paste the link to your blog post in the first box (delete the http that is there)
      Enter your name/blog name in the 2nd box. You can skip 3. Make a selection for 4. You then usually get an option to crop the image. Confirm the crop and a message will appear that your entry has been entered.
      If you are still having issues, email me at bookd.out@gmail.com and I can send you a visual step by step.


  26. Hi again, ShelleyRae!
    It’s now the final week of 2021 and I’m just finishing my final book for the 2021 Nonfiction Reader Challenge (as a Nonfiction Know-It-All). I hope to upload my review tomorrow. But I wanted to know if there is anything I should do to indicate that I’ve completed the Challenge?
    The experience was so inspiring that I’ve already signed up for the 2022 Challenge!
    Thank you and all the best for a HAPPY NEW YEAR!


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