It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? #SundayPost #SundaySalon


Linking to: It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? at BookDate; Sunday Post @ Caffeinated Reviewer; and the Sunday Salon @ ReaderBuzz





I’m still here, it’s just things have been a bit chaotic for me for a number of reasons. Things have hopefully settled down now so I’m intending on getting back on schedule.




What I’ve Read Since I last Posted…


For Everything A Time by Mark McAvaney ★★★★★

How to Age Disgracefully by Claire Pooley ★★★★

Go Lightly by Brydie Lee-Kennedy DNF

Can’t Spell Treason Without Tea by Rebecca Thorne ★★★★




New Posts…


Bookshelf Bounty




What I’m Reading This Week…


Opposites attract in this laugh-out-loud rom-com about a heart-throb actor, the grumpy woman who minds his beloved dog, and the cat that steals his heart.  

Ethan James has a problem, he’s about to start shooting a movie and he needs someone to mind his anxious dog, Harry. This film could make or break Ethan’s career, and he knows he has to give it all his attention, but Harry’s new minder turns out to be more of a hindrance than a help. She’s gorgeous and funny, and throws so much shade in his direction that Ethan can’t think straight.

Hazel Conor has a problem, she’s just lost her job as a sous chef at the fancy beachside restaurant she uphauled her life for. And if she doesn’t get another job soon, she won’t be able to afford food – or worse, cat food, and then her grouchy cat Kevin will finally murder her in her sleep. So when she sees an ad for an easy dog minder job, she goes for it.

Hazel finds everything about Ethan annoying; he’s flashy, flirty, and a total charmer. She probably wouldn’t look at him twice if it wasn’t for her cat. Because Kevin, the cat who hates everyone, is totally smitten with Ethan James.

And with each purr, cheek rub and head bump that Kevin bestows on Ethan, Hazel begins to wonder if there’s something her cat can see that she can’t.



“Oh, honey,” I say. “I’m sorry. Don’t worry about me! I’m totally good. I’m so, so happy to be here with you.”

This is how it is to love somebody. You tell them the truth. You lie a little. And sometimes you don’t say anything at all…”

From the bestselling author of WE ALL WANT IMPOSSIBLE THINGS

For the past two decades, Rocky has looked forward to her family’s yearly escape to Cape Cod. Their rustic beach-town rental has been the site of sweet memories, its quirky furniture and mismatched pots and pans greeted like old friends.

Now, sandwiched between her children who are adult enough to be fun but still young enough to need her, and her parents who are alive and healthy, Rocky wants to preserve this golden moment forever. This one precious week when everything is in balance; everything is in flux.

But every family has its secrets and hers is no exception. With her body in open revolt and surprises invading her peaceful haven, the perfectly balanced seesaw of Rocky’s life is tipping towards change…



A captivating exploration of how underwater animals tap into sound to survive, and a clarion call for humans to address the ways we invade these critical soundscapes—from an award-winning science writer.

For centuries humans ignored sound in the “silent world” of the ocean, assuming that what we couldn’t perceive, didn’t exist. But we couldn’t have been more wrong. Marine scientists now have the technology to record and study the complex interplay of the myriad sounds in the sea. Finally, we can trace how sounds travel with the currents, bounce from the seafloor and surface, bend with temperature, and even saltiness; how sounds help marine life survive; and how human noise can transform entire marine ecosystems.

In Sing Like Fish , award-winning science journalist Amorina Kingdon synthesizes historical discoveries with the latest research in a clear and compelling portrait of this sonic undersea world. From plainfin midshipman fish, whose swim-bladder drumming is loud enough to keep houseboat-dwellers awake, to the syntax of whalesong, from the deafening crackle of snapping shrimp, to underwater earthquakes and volcanoes, sound plays a vital role in feeding, mating, parenting, navigating, and warning – even in animals that we never suspected of acoustic ability.

Meanwhile, we jump in our motorboats and cruise ships, oblivious to the impact below us. Our lifestyle is fuelled by oil in growling tankers and furnished by goods that travel in massive container ships. Navies deploy underwater sonar, and prospectors use seismic imaging to seek oil and gas under ocean floors. Our seas echo with human-made sound, but we are just learning how these pervasive noises can mask mating calls, chase animals from their food, and even wound creatures as from plankton to lobsters.

With intimate and artful prose, Sing Like Fish> tells a uniquely complete story of ocean animals’ submerged sounds, envisions a quieter future, and offers a profound new understanding of the world below the surface.



On a rainy night in 1871, an idealistic schoolmistress arrives on Cockatoo Island in Sydney Harbour. Mrs Hopkins doesn’t know what to expect from the notorious Biloela Industrial School for Girls, but nothing could prepare her for what she encounters inside the high sandstone the conditions are dismal, the rules are largely conceptual, and the girls spend most of their time finding creative ways to outsmart the adults. Very quickly, Mrs Hopkins realises that noble intentions won’t be enough to plough through the chaos around her. An unconventional school requires unconventional methods, and Mrs Hopkins is going to have to find her own ways to reach her lively, lost charges. But her own ghosts have followed her to Cockatoo Island, and refuse to stay hidden for much longer.

A witty and poignant final novel from acclaimed author and filmmaker Shirley Barrett about what destroys us, what sustains us, and what we carry from one world into the next.


Thanks for stopping by!

It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? #IMWAYR @thebookdate #SundayPost @Kimbacaffeinate #SundaySalon @debnance  #LoveFromScratch #Sandwich #MrsHopkins #SingLikeAFish

13 thoughts on “It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? #SundayPost #SundaySalon

  1. I’m sorry things have been chaotic for you lately. I hope everything has settled down!

    I’m eager to read Sandwich, too. I’m on the waiting list for it at my library—if it will ever come in. I thought We All Want Impossible Things was excellent.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I have Sandwich on my summer reading list. The cover of your edition is adorable. I like the toasted bikini. 🙂 The US edition is a beach house with chairs. Enjoy your week! I hope it’s less chaotic. ♥

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I hope things are settling down for you, Shelleyrae. I love the title of How to Age Disgracefully. I may have to read that one just for the title. I hope you are enjoying your current read! Have a great week!


  4. Glad you are getting back on track … that’s a nice feeling. I hope things calm for you … and me too, lol. The Newman book I hope is good. Enjoy your week.


  5. This quote struck a profound chord in me this morning. “This is how it is to love somebody. You tell them the truth. You lie a little. And sometimes you don’t say anything at all…” Of course I went and added Sandwich to my list.

    I am coming to suspect that life is composed of overarching cycles of calm and chaos, and that both are necessary in some kind of balance. Hope you realize more calm than chaos!

    Happy reading this week.


  6. I’ve not heard of any of the books you are currently reading but Mrs Hopkins sounds interesting. It reminds me a little of South Riding – that too features a teacher who has grand plans to improve the lives of her pupils but faces a lot of opposition


I want to know what you think! Your comments are appreciated.