Giveaway & Review: Stuck In Estrogen’s Funhouse by Shayna Gier

Title: Stuck In Estrogen’s Funhouse

Author: Shayna Gier

Published: Beyond Normality Ink 2011

Synopsis: Marti is a bartender at a local nightclub who is often said to be the best around. When she’s not chatting up the locals and pouring drinks, she’s spending time with her husband, Spencer. But lately Marti has been feeling very off. She’s tired, moody (or so her husband says), and goes through random intense aversion to food and then intense cravings. And on top of it all, despite being happily married she finds herself falling for the young college upper-grad student who decides to take up bar tending as supplement income next to the work he does for his sister’s photography. With everything being so out of control the last thing she needs is for her marriage to fall apart too. Read an Excerpt

Status: Read from February 04 to 05, 2012 — I own a copy {Provided by the author}

My Thoughts:

In this lighthearted novel, Marti MacCale is being led astray by her out of control hormones. Marti loves her job tending bar, her husband, Spencer, and at twenty five is enjoying life. When she begins to feel nauseous, tired and moody, pregnancy tests prove negative and her doctor diagnoses her as going through a second puberty. With her hormones raging, Marti finds her life turned upside down, craving pans of lasagna, octopi pancakes and flirting dangerously with a cute college grad.

With plenty of humor this contemporary story unfolds in Marti’s distinctive first person voice. Gier has created a likeable protagonist, Marti is young, bright and fun. As her hormones start to go haywire it’s easy to empathise with her symptoms – not unlike bad PMS or early pregnancy. Anyone who has experienced either, will relate to Marti’s weird food cravings, inexplicable exhaustion and even her appreciation of Erik’s flirtation. With her mood in constant flux, Erik is a temptation and despite her best intentions, Marti isn’t sure she can resist.
Her best friend, Crystal isn’t much help, commitment is an anathema to her, though she is good for a laugh. She is a fun character and has her own small subplot. Luckily Spencer is completely in love with his wife and remarkably patient with Marti’s foibles. He is a good guy and he definitely garners sympathy as he comes under sustained attack from Marti’s odd behaviour.
The plot of Stuck in Estrogen’s Funhouse is uncomplicated, making for a quick and easy read. There are a few errors in the text and some of the sentence structure makes for awkward reading but a little professional polish could easily overcome those issues. I really like Gier’s first person writing voice which is distinctive and appealing.

Funny and entertaining, Stuck in Estrogen’s Funhouse is sure to provide a giggle or two.


About The Author

My name is Shayna Gier and I love to write books.  I’ve been writing since I learned how to form words into sentences, first for schoolwork, and then in order to write stories of my own free will.

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Stuck in Estrogen’s Funhouse


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8 thoughts on “Giveaway & Review: Stuck In Estrogen’s Funhouse by Shayna Gier

  1. Grabbed a copy and when get a chance will think fondly of you while I am reading Marti’s story. Thanks for the heads up, it will be a nice change to laugh at something I can relate to for a change of pace!


  2. I read the review and thought the book sounded like fun, then I saw – yay – that I could scoop it up for free. Thanks Shayna, if I like it, I’ll give it a review on Goodreads and Amazon too. I’ll also share this link with my friends and hope that they read it too.


I want to know what you think! Your comments are appreciated.