Stuff On Sundays: A Day In the Life…


Trish from Love, Laughter and a touch of Insanity is hosting the ‘a Day in the Life’ blogger event. Peek into the lives of your fellow book bloggers and share yours!

My weekdays are fairly repetitive, and Thursday’s routine is pretty typical. Most days I do a little housework, work on the blog, cook dinner, run the kids around (we only have one afternoon/evening free from multiple after school activities), watch TV and read, of course. Some days I have to run errands, every other Tuesday I volunteer at my children’s school, usually working in the library, and occasionally I’ll meet up with friends for coffee. I’m rarely in bed before 3am.

Thursday – March 26th

8.00am I Alarm goes off, stumble out of bed, surprised to find S1 & S2 are already awake, dressed for school and playing Minecraft in the lounge room on the Ps4. Wake D1 and D2, who are still sleeping.

vegemite toast8.10am I Head into the kitchen and start making breakfast for the kids (I make a dozen slices toast, and serve them family style so that everyone helps themselves). Check lunchboxes are packed, notes are signed, homework is in bags etc etc. On the iPad, check for comments on the blog and scroll through Facebook/Twitter/Goodreads feeds.

8.40am I Drop the the three youngest at their respective schools (S1 and S2 are 9 and 10 – both in primary school; D2 is 12 and in high school)

9.10am I Back home, tidy kitchen, have a quick shower, strip kids beds and put a load of washing on.

9.45am I Drop D1 at work

10.00am I Back home – boot up the computer, check email ( a total of 133) and respond as appropriate.

10.20am I  Put the washing in the dryer.

10.30am I Write up a guest post requested by another blogger

11.00am I Start working on a review for Turtle Reef

12.30pm I Make four slices of multigrain toast with vegemite for lunch, start reading The All Together Unexpected Disappearance of Atticus Craftsman in between texting with a friend to arrange our mutual friends birthday lunch on Monday.

1.00pm I Take the sheets out of the dryer and remake the beds

1.30pm I Check email/Facebook/Twitter

1.40pm I Keep working on the review

2.30pm I Review is finally done, post it on the blog. Copy and paste it to various sites, send a notification email to the publicist.

3.00 pm I Head out to pick up D1 from work and D2 from school, drop both at home

3.30pm I Meet S1 and S2 at school for basketball training – I coach two teams and grand finals are this weekend!

4.40pm I Back home – order boys to have a quick shower, supervise their homework while I put their dinner in the oven (chicken nuggets and potato gems)

5.10pm I Drop D1 at gymnastics

5.25pm I Serve boys dinner

5.45pm I Take S1 and S2 to Scouts

6.10pm I  Reheat leftover meatloaf and baby potatoes for dinner for D2 and me

wolfblood6.30pm I  Watch 2 & 1/2 episodes of Wolfblood on Netflix with D2 while I figure out next week’s menu, write a grocery list and consult with D2 as to what food she needs for her weekend camping trip with Scouts. (Friday is shopping day)

7.20pm I Head out to pick D1 from gym and S1 and S2 from cubs

7.45pm I Back home, serve D1 dinner

8.30pm I Send S1 and S2 to bed,  watch another episode of Wolfblood with D2 while I scroll through my RSS feed

9.00pm I Husband comes home  – Thursday nights he goes to the archery range after work (otherwise he is usually home at 6pm). Serve him the last of the leftover meatloaf and potatoes, tidy kitchen, pack lunchboxes with snacks for the next day (I make the week’s sandwiches on Sunday so just have to take them out of the freezer to defrost)

9.30pm I Send D2 to bed, check with D1 what hours she is working the next day. Curl up on the lounge. Husband watches Tattoo Nightmares while I am reading.

10.30pm I Husband goes to bed. I put on One Tree Hill via Netflix (I’m up to the last season), and finish reading The All Together Unexpected Disappearance of Atticus Craftsman.

3.10am I Bedtime

What’s your day like?

16 thoughts on “Stuff On Sundays: A Day In the Life…

  1. I can’t imagine a 3 am bedtime! Goodness–is it tough to get out of bed when 8 rolls around? My kids are still really little so we don’t have all of the activities in the evening, but goodness do they keep you busy. Sounds like you have a great balance between shuttling them around and still maintaining your own interests. Thanks for linking up Shelleyrae!


  2. Your a nightowl like my husband. 🙂 Today’s his day to sleep in while the kiddo and I spend the morning together. I do wish she’d learn to sleep in. I’ll probably be like my mom though when she’s a teenager still asleep at noon, wanting to wake her up so she doesn’t “miss out on the day”. Ugh. I hope not.

    I loved reading your post about your day. You’ve set a good balance it sounds like, but, boy, are you busy! Thanks for sharing!


  3. I enjoyed reading about your day. Busy, busy. Someone said on my post that many of us included doing the laundry. I laughed and said that, yes, guess that something we all have in common. You are definitely a night owl – me, I’m more of a morning lark or whatever. Have a good week!!


  4. That takes a lot of coordination to get all those people in the right place at the right time — and fed when the opportunity arises!


  5. I think that 3am bedtime is totally worth it because you get to have time serving YOURSELF 🙂 I love your day though, so much love and devotion for family and that’s something I’ve always appreciated with my mom.


  6. Yikes! I have lived on 5-6 hours of sleep since Gage was born 4.5 years ago and I am ALWAYS looking fo a way to sneak in a nap! You are lucky to only need 5 hours of sleep. I’m a night own at heart too 🙂


I want to know what you think! Your comments are appreciated.