Bookshelf Bounty

I’ve decided to make Bookshelf Bounty a regular post for the third Sunday of every month. So here is what I have added to my real and virtual bookshelves over the last month.

Click on the cover images to view at Goodreads

For Review (print)

Thanks to Harlequin, Allen & Unwin, Penguin Australia, and Random House

For Review (Ebook)

It looks like I went a bit crazy but the release dates for these books are spread out over several months

@ Goodreads


My copy of Harp in the South fell apart when I pulled it from my shelf so I bought a replacement copy, The Third Wheel is for my daughter who loves the Wimpy Kid series and I picked up The Water Underneath from a charity shop

What did you pick up this month?

11 thoughts on “Bookshelf Bounty

  1. I just wish I was a faster reader, so I could catch up on some of those books. There are some good looking stories there, especially the Matthew Condon. That would be my first choice.


  2. I love the variety of books you’ve got there. There’s quite a few I’ve got on my to-read list and I’ll be checking out your reviews to see what you thought of them.


  3. I LOVE Harp in the South and Poor Man’s Orange. I think Ruth Park captured that era skilfully. I’ve read the trilogy (Missus is the first one) so many times. The film version brought them to life too. I’m so glad your copy fell to bits – you must have read it often.


I want to know what you think! Your comments are appreciated.