Stuff on Sunday: Bookshelf Bounty

I’ve decided to make Bookshelf Bounty a regular post for the third Sunday of every month. So here is what I have added to my real and virtual bookshelves over the last month (you can view last month’s HERE).

Click on the cover images to view at Goodreads

Print (For Review)

For Review (Ebook)

Bought (Print)



18 thoughts on “Stuff on Sunday: Bookshelf Bounty

  1. I see why you loved my DIY Bookshelf post, love seeing someone else who accumulates as many books as I do! I’m looking forward to hear what you think about quite a few of these books – that Dance of Shadows cover looks amazing.


    1. Kiss River is the sequel to Keeper of the Light, Laurel. It has actually been out for a long while I think but is in reprint


I want to know what you think! Your comments are appreciated.